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Jewish Spiritual Startups: So Much More than "Outreach"

Being "emergent" is in these days.  Everywhere you look, our traditional spiritual institutions are hosting gatherings outside their normal four walls and spicing up their liturgy, music, mindfulness practice, and pastoral offerings.  

We think it's awesome.  And it's so much more than just "outreach." 

Seekers of all ages are choosing this rising and new spiritual energy within Judaism––whether within a brand new spiritual startup or connected to a traditional synagogue––because they are complete and legitimate spiritual communities in and of themselves!  These emergent Jewish spiritual groups are more than capable of helping their people make meaning through creative interpretation and expression of the powerful tools of our tradition. 

We invite you to explore just a small sampling below of all the amazing things happening in emerging Jewish spiritual communities and creative Jewish gatherings around the country.   

Yes, these spiritual startups do positively and lovingly reach out every day to serve thousands of individuals thirsting for a new Jewish spiritual experience . . . but, it's so much more personal and powerful than just another form of "outreach."

We're always interested in hearing your stories and experiences with new expressions of Jewish spirituality. Please write us or share your thoughts on our Facebook and Instagram.  And we invite you to visit our network of new and inspiring Jewish spiritual startups nationwide.

The Open Dor Team


The theme this month for our sessions was Jewish blessings. We spoke about how the rabbis said to say 100 blessings a day. Blessings are meant to help us pause, become mindful and present and to soak up a moment in time. This has the potential to add joy, meaning, a sense of order, hope, connectedness, and purpose to our lives. We spoke about how the blessings are scripted Hebrew lines which mark everything from waking up, eating, going to the bathroom, seeing a rainbow, hearing good news, seeing beauty in nature, seeing a body of water, marking a mysterious event, and traveling.


We celebrated the first Shabbat of 2019 with an amazing wordless service in the round at Speechless: New Year, New You, New Us, followed by a delicious Shabbat dinner!

We gathered for Tot Shabbat at the Outdoor Adventure Center in Detroit to learn about Tu B'Shvat!



Take a listen to this awesome Judaism Unbound episode with our friend and collaborator, the amazing Aaron Henne - Jewish Studio Project

How do comments from ourselves and others interrupt a creative process, and what freedoms can we feel when we create without commentary?


Beloved had a special guest!

The Sacred Within

A journey of music and prayer with Netanel Goldberg

A song is like water to a rock, slowly slowly it opens the gates of the heart

Beloved's very special guest, Netanel Goldberg, countertenor vocal artist, prayer leader, guitarist, & composer, and international violinist, Nimrod Nol. We pray and welcome shabbat together.



We engage  body, mind, heart and spirit, bringing our whole selves into the experience of prayer. We weave spirited chant, prayer and singing with piano and guitar, together with contemplative moments and spend  time discussing a theme from the weekly Torah portion. No Hebrew literacy is necessary. All Hebrew is transliterated, and many of our prayers are in English.

Coming Up

A Purim Celebration in Jackson Heights for kids 0-8 and their grownups. Sunday, March 10th.

Malkhut, PJ Library in New York, and the Solomon Schecter School of Queens are teaming up on a Purim Celebration for kids 0 to 8 years old with their grownups.


Dancing. It moves the body, uplifts the fallen neshama and clears the mind. Like the Sufi spinning in accord with the constellations, Israeli dance captures a small piece of the universe within a small space for a unique period of time. If Shabbat is a Temple in Time, as Abraham Joshua Heschel famously stated, then Dance is the Discipline of the Priests.  



Did you know Rabbi Adina Allen will be a Speaker at the Collaboratory?

Hear from the best, including groundbreaking keynote speaker and bestselling author, Priya Parker. Grow your network at the premiere gathering of Jewish social innovators, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and funders.Learn from experts and colleagues about the who, how, and why of Jewish gathering; understand the elements of culture and how to apply them; how to reimagine our communities; and more.Experience curated collaboration and 1:1 consultations with coaches who know what it takes to drive change.Get local, with interactive New York City site visits and a community after-hours event.




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